Hallways, They Tie a House Together | Lents

Hallways Tie Your Home Together | Lents PDX

Maybe your "dream hallway," isn't something you've imagined yet.
Not the most exciting hallway.

If you're considering a remodel, the hallway is something that deserves some thought. It's one of the first elements a visitor encounters when they enter your home - after the vestibule. In many homes it's also the main element tying much of the house together.
Historically, halls were gathering places. Before the advent of efficient, central heating systems the main hall was kept warm with fireplaces and was used as a place for the community to come together for meals, not-so-messy chores and eating. It wasn't until more recently that many people had a second room, much less multiple rooms for sleeping, eating and meal preparation. Maybe it's natural that halls have receded in overall importance as architectural elements, but that doesn't mean they should not be beautiful, functional and well-planned. 
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