Home Remodeling Ideas Kitchen Edition| Portland Metro

Home Remodeling Ideas | Portland Metro

Kitchen Edition

Black and white
This classic color scheme is coming back into popularity because of it's flexibility. As the Seattle Times piece points out- that flexibility is virtually unlimited. You can add any color and it's not going to clash.

Mix and match everything!
Have you ever thought about using two different colors of cabinets, fallen in love with a unique fixture that's a different finish from the others in your kitchen?
It's okay. It's 2017, all your fixtures and finishes can live peaceably in your kitchen.

This color just won't go out of style, can be combined with anything and reflects light- making a room with this as the dominant color reflect more light. This little optical trick will not only brighten the room, but in most cases, it will make the room feel much bigger too.

Planning ahead- Aging in place
Your joints have begun to let you know that they don't appreciate the bending, stooping, reaching and lifting they used to do without complaint. Some people at this point start to consider a new home, or even assisted living. Not for you? Not for us either.
A side-opening oven, positioned at the same height as your counter will make you wonder what you did before you got it. No more balancing a hot dish as you open and close the oven door!

Your home should be just that, YOUR home, your safe space, a place designed just for you. Whatever your style, you can rest assured that the home remodeling professionals at Beisa's Legacy Construction will make it yours.


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